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Emotional Intelligence is the ability of a person to understand their own  feelings and others feelings in order to attain personal and commercial goals, and maintain relationships.
In business environment Emotional Intelligence refers to ability of a managers to understand their own feelings and those of the people they work with in order to achieve business objectives.
The ability to show empathy, which includes understanding others' thoughts and feelings, helps you connect with others. Instead of judging or labeling others, you work hard to see things through their eyes.
Empathy doesn't necessarily mean agreeing with another person's point of view. Rather, it's about striving to understand--which allows you to build deeper, more connected relationships.
In recent years, some employers have even incorporated emotional intelligence tests into their application and interview processes, on the theory that someone high in emotional intelligence would make a better leader or coworker. According to Daniel Golemon, (EI) is concerned with four key areas: self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness and relationship management.


Self-awareness is our ability to notice our feelings, our physical sensations, our reactions, our habits, our behaviors, and our thoughts.
High self-awareness is a solid predictor of good success in life, perhaps because a self-aware person knows when an opportunity is a good fit for them and how to make an appropriate enterprise work well. Quite frankly, most of us are running on “autopilot,” hardly aware of why we succeed or fail, or why we behave as we do. Our mind are so busy with daily chatter that we usually only self-reflect when something goes awfully wrong.
Perhaps we stumble through a job interview or academic test we thought we were well prepared for, or we handle something in our lives awkwardly that we assumed we were good at, or perhaps we lose a romantic partner over some misunderstanding where feelings got hurt.
Increasing self-awareness of false attitudes or inappropriate behaviors requires peace of mind, time, attention and focus. Knowing ahead of time that we can indeed change in positive ways through deeper self-awareness makes it worth working on those personal qualities we most value. But first we must look within ourselves through self-examination to see what’s there, which is often less obvious than we think.


Self-management can be defined as what you do once decision to accomplish any task is decided. For instance, once you decided that you are going to start your own business, let say opening e-commerce website like Daraz , how successfully you are going to implement strategies is determined by Self-management.
Self-management is critical to reducing stress level. Why is self-management important? It’s the ability to hold yourself accountable for your work. Without proper self-management, many of us lose sight of goals or cannot effectively prioritize our work.


1.                  AVOID MULTITASKING
It’s understandable that we’d want to multitask. In the modern workplace, we’ve got emails, office chats, and multiple tabs open on our web browser.

2.                  ADMIT YOUR MISTAKES
As a manager, it often falls to us to point out the mistakes of others. In self-management, it’s essential to be able to admit your own mistakes. So many of us are afraid to own up when we’ve done something wrong, but when we ignore it, we’re impeding our paths to growth.
Instead of avoiding a mistake, acknowledge it as soon as you can. Then move on. The more comfortable you become with this process, the less you’ll find you need it. Admitting failure - even your own - creates a teachable moment of growth. It’s also one of the healthiest things you can do as a leader or manager.

3.                  The “Golden Rule”
 Whenever you are in doubt, recall the “golden rule,” that says, treat others the way you would like to be treated. The golden rule includes human kindness, cooperation, and exchanges across cultures, languages, backgrounds and interests. No matter where you travel, who you connect with, or what your audience is like, just remember how you would feel if you were on the receiving end of your communication, and then act accordingly. When we turn over the pages of history, and observe that unethical communication has been one of humanity's most potentially harmful weapon, at the same time, we see that the art of communication has been instrumental in the quests of truth, wisdom, justice, and peace.

4.                  SELF-REFLECTION
Self-reflection can be a time to think about mistakes or areas of improvement, but it should also be used to acknowledge personal accomplishments and celebrate progress. Remember, if you haven’t reflected on where you’ve been, you’ll have a harder time understanding where you’re headed.


Being socially aware means that you understand how you react to different social situations, and effectively modify your interactions with other people so that you achieve the best results. The net result of social awareness is the ongoing development of social skills.

One recent employer survey conducted by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills demonstrates that four of the five most important skills for high school graduates entering the work force are linked to social awareness: professionalism, collaboration, communication, and social responsibility.

Here are 8 steps that will help you become more socially aware if you integrate them into your daily activities:

1.                  IDENTIFY
Learn to identify which types of situations make you uncomfortable, and
then alter your behaviour to make the best of your circumstances

2.                  CHANGE YOURSELF
Learn to become aware of behaviours in other people that may cause you to respond negatively. As you are unlikely to be able to change the other person, you must be able to modify your own behaviour to turn the situation into a positive experience.

3.                  AVOID PERCEPTUAL ERRORS
Take ownership for your behaviour and be willing to apologize for perceptual errors.

4.                  TAKE FEEDBACK
Ask others for their honest feedback about the way you interact with them. Accept the negative feedback along with the positive (without getting defensive) and make changes accordingly.

5.                  NON-VERBALS

Be aware of your body language. Non-verbalcommunication is more important than what you have to say. Positive body language will benefit your interactions with other people.


Being able to manage and maintain relationships by exercising relationship management skills is what employers are looking while interviewing new candidates.
Dynamic business environment has increased the need to work in a team as team-working results in increase in productivity. Conflicts in team-working is inevitable but being able to resolve conflicts in a constructive way is determined by how we manage relationships.


1.                  Inspiration
A good relationship manager is able to inspire others. This skill focuses on using other people’s wisdom in situations, as well as the ability to connect with people emotionally. When a person has a vision, this quality relies on understanding the entire purpose of the mission. This skill also includes involving others in the vision and listening to their opinions and thoughts.
2.                  Influence
Your ability to influence others is vital in managing relations. You can learn, acquire or improve your ability to influence by listening to other people, making others feel important and making them feel like their opinions are valuable. This strategy allows people to influence others by making the person speaking feel significant.
3.                  Developing
Another important skill for relationship management is developing others. It focuses on acknowledging people’s accomplishments and strong points, then offering feedback to them. This skill is important because it helps the growth of businesses. Employees who feel valuable and appreciated are likely to accomplish more.
4.                  Teamwork
To manage relationships effectively, emphasize the importance of teamwork. Teams that work well together result in higher performance and productivity levels. Encouraging teamwork includes building and promoting strong teams that communicate and work well together. It also includes encouraging participation from all members and rewarding teams for good work.
5.                  Initiating Change
Initiating change is a skill that is used for recognizing when change is needed. When you can initiate change, you challenge the status quo and make compelling, logical arguments when change is needed. This is vital in growing businesses; businesses must be willing to accept change and proceed with it. People with good relationship management skills look for ways to overcome the barriers that stop change.
6.                  Managing Conflict
How well are you able to manage conflict in a constructive way? Conflicts can present numerous benefits in a workplace despite having many challenges. For example, it can help in bringing about radical changes to alter existing power structures and deep-rooted and outdated approaches which may have led to complacency in the organization.
But on the other hand it could lead to resistance, demotivated teams which can in turn bring about disturbance in operations or undermining of quality of products s and services which could affect business targets especially in factories and assembly line setups.
 Functional (constructive) conflict is a conflict which supports the goals of the group and helps to improve its performance.
People with this skill are able to accept different perspectives, and they demonstrate self-control and respect for everyone. People who manage conflict well are able to deal with difficult people and situations and look for solutions that everyone can accept.


When it comes to what employers look for when trying to fill a vacancy, it's about more than just the technical skills. Those abilities are expected in order to fulfill the job duties. But it's often the emotional intelligence that separate an average employee from a great employee.
Emotional intelligence skills are hard to learn as it requires determination and consistent efforts. But once learned, the benefits of (EI) are far greater than the efforts you initially put!


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